Онтико84.9 тыс
Опубликовано 16 августа 2018, 11:35
Приглашаем на конференцию HighLoad++ 2024, которая пройдет 2 и 3 декабря в Москве!
Программа, подробности и билеты по ссылке: clck.ru/3DD4yb
HighLoad++ 2017
This talk will begin by briefly examining what it means for infrastructure to be represented as code. We'll examine some fundamental software components required for automating infrastructure such as GPG, package managers, SSL, and more. We'll examine some interesting failure cases for these tools and how these shortcomings might make infrastructure as code impossible, for now.
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Программа, подробности и билеты по ссылке: clck.ru/3DD4yb
HighLoad++ 2017
This talk will begin by briefly examining what it means for infrastructure to be represented as code. We'll examine some fundamental software components required for automating infrastructure such as GPG, package managers, SSL, and more. We'll examine some interesting failure cases for these tools and how these shortcomings might make infrastructure as code impossible, for now.
Нашли ошибку в видео? Пишите нам на support@ontico.ru
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