👊 17 слоёв брони: НОВЫЙ КОСТЮМ ЧЕЛОВЕКА-ПАУКА в Мстители: Война бесконечности!

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Mr. Moment Inc445 тыс
Опубликовано 29 сентября 2017, 14:21
💊Первоисточник: marvel.wikia.com/wiki/Iron_Spi...
CVTVNIDZE BEATS - PRIMO [vk.com_ freeteam]
CVTVNIDZE BEATS - DARST [vk.com_ freeteam]
CVTVNIDZE BEATS - FLOW [vk.com_ freeteam]

📌Подробный разбор НОВОЙ брони Человека-Паука.

📌Вся броня состоит из 17 многофункциональных слоев, каждый из которых выполняет различную, отдельную и важную функцию. к сожалению, я не все до конца понял, так как много технических определений, которые просто есть и никак не описаны, поэтому некоторые пункты будут расширятся моими догадками и моими логическими предположениями.

📌Multifunctional Layers: The Iron Spider Armor has a total of 17 layers throughout its workings, with each performing a different, separate and important function.

1. Transpirable Teflon-Based Temperature Control: Controls the Internal Temperature of the Wearer.
2. Moisture Pump: Occupant Cooling.
3. Conductivity Control: Low Infrared Signature.
4. Sensor Layer: Able to transmit data from kinisthetic analysis of occupant.
5. Suit Tension Layer.
6. Super-Conducting Plastic Opto-Electrical Hybrid Computer 4.2 Teraflop Speed CPU: Proprietary Stark Industries Operating System. Multi-decision making sub-routine strategy prevents tech attack. Suit is semi-autonomous when unoccupied. Passcode activated lockdown.
7. Repair Layer: Self-repair/limited mechanical repair. Also first aid with limited external first aid.
8. Musculature Motility Layer: Follows occupant's motion.
9 . Communications: All band transceiver GPS/Microwave including ELF.
10. Emission Control.
11. Power Management.
12 . Impact Layer: National Institute of Justice Threat Level III Resistant. Heat-resistant Kevlar micro-fiber stops small arms fire.
13.Shear Detection Enabled Spidey to see in the infrared and ultraviolet portions of the electromagnetic spectrum.
14. Antenna: Fractal design allows for simultaneous wavelength propagation. Allows for "speed of thought" suit control. Also allowed Spider-Man to listen to police, fire and/or emergency broadcasts.
15. Synthetic Aperture Camera Layer: Stores Cameras Optical to RADAR.
16. Light Emitting Plastic Layer: Allows for camouflage(but the darker the surface that Spider-Man blends to the better the the camouflage )and also allows Spider-Man to change the color and style of his suit(e.g. he changed it to the symbiote suit color and his normal red and blue and back)
17. Diamond Nitrile Overcoat: Epitaxially deposited in chain mesh form; Transparent to Spider Effect and allow for normal surface adhesion method (Wall Crawling.)