Ice cream from 3 ingredients in 5 minutes! Blueberry ice cream!

24 683
Опубликовано 21 июля 2023, 11:00
- All delicious recipes are here:
Ice cream is great because we can make it at home. There are no eggs here, only cream and berries, the dessert turns out to be weightless, you can not be afraid for the figure!

This ice cream can be made from any frozen fruit. It is better to use a liquid sweetener. If in tablets, then it is better to grind them into powder beforehand. Or fructose, it's healthier. It is impossible to freeze such a dish again. Ice cream loses its taste and becomes completely tasteless. Therefore, you need to remember this before making this ice cream.

heavy cream 33-35% 200 ml.
blueberries fresh or frozen 1 cup.
Condensed milk 80 ml.

Pre-defrost blueberries.

Make blueberry puree. You can use a fork.

Beat the cream with a mixer. Add 80 ml of condensed milk to the whipped cream. Beat again with a mixer. Cream and condensed milk should be chilled. Gradually add the blueberry puree and mix. Beat the resulting mass with a mixer. Add a few blueberries. Mix it up. Put the cookies on the bottom of the flrma. Put blueberries and cream on the cookies. Cover with cookies. Put it in the freezer for 3 hours.
Cut blueberry ice cream into portions.
Enjoy your meal!