EQUALLY POWERFUL MOVIES | Grand-Prix Clio Entertainment Awards Best Promo

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Опубликовано 12 октября 2018, 13:54
Впервые в истории премии российский телеканал взял Гран-при в номинации «Лучшее промо». Им стал телеканал ТНТ4, который представил на фестивале проморолик «Одинаково мощное кино». Ролик уже становился победителем в разных номинациях на конкурсах телевизионного промоушна PromaxBDA UK 2018, PromaxBDA Asia 2018, Promax Europe 2019 и PromaxBDA Global Excellence Awards 2019, а также на конкурсе кинонаград Golden Trailer Awards 2019.
TNT4 TV channel is releasing a one-of-a-kind on-air promo for its weekly movie broadcasts. This is a 50-second long clip featuring 15 hit movies such as Gravity, The Great Gatsby, The Dark Knight, Twins, RoboCop, Trance, Rush Hour, Dumb & Dumber, Die Hard, and No Country for Old Men. The promo is made up of similar shots of the same type and featuring the same things: kisses, escapes, firefights, chases, etc.
Gavriil Gordeev, CEO of TNT4: «Based on this clip, we are now developing a neural network that is expected to find suitable shots for a particular promo - for instance, all shots featuring kisses or identical camera angle shots in a movie. With the help of this network, we will be able to process more than 500 hours of content within 5 hours as opposed to weeks we spend on that today. On April 7th and 8th, I was one of the judges at the HACK THE MEDIA hackathon organized by Gazprom Media Entertainment Television company and saw that such a technology is realistic. It doesn’t mean that we are going to substitute some of our editors for emotionless machines, it rather means that we will relieve them from routine tasks.”
In this new promo, hundreds of identical shots from different movies come together into one graphic and dynamic montage. Batman’s mask hides the face of Bruce Willis, a chase from The Great Gatsby continues in a RoboCop scene, while Russell Crowe kissing Marion Cotillard suddenly turns into Jim Carrey.
Anna Godunova, Head of On-Air Promotion at TNT4: “The small team of the On-Air Promotion at TNT4 has watched well over 30 hours of content to find the identical moments in various movies. We had been nurturing the idea of such a promo since 2016, but the Channel’s library did not have such a big collection of movie hits then.”
TNT4 On-Air Promotion has repeatedly won recognition from the international industry experts. In 2017, TNT4 became the only TV channel to win all the three types of awards (Gold, Silver, and Bronze) at PromaxBDA UK in BEST FOREIGN LANGUAGE PROMOTION category.
Clio Entertainment Awards 2019:
➤GRAND-PRIX - Best Promo
➤GOLD - Best Editing

Golden Trailer Awards 2019:
➤GOLD - Best Foreign TV Spot
PromaxBDA UK 2018 Winner:
➤Best film - GOLD
➤Season promotion - GOLD
➤Use of editing - GOLD

Promax Europe 2019 Winner:
➤Marketing Video/Sizzle Reel/Presentation - GOLD
➤Use of Editing - GOLD