Срочно Дженна Марблс - Пока Канал Камедистор

458 674
01.06.23 – 14 7830:05
Подкатил #shorts
Опубликовано 11 июля 2020, 18:47
Jenna please save КамедиСтор
Новый Канал - youtube.com/channel/UCuoed4FW1...
Группа ВК - vk.com/comedystore
Архив в ЯнЭфире - yandex.ru/efir?stream_id=4c016...

Dear Jenna,

My name is Evstif and I’m from the ComedyStore channel. I have been translating your videos into Russian since 2013. This is my life. Because of my channel, a large Russian-speaking audience has been able to watch your videos for almost 7 years. People say that these videos make them feel better. This archive is important to them.
A few days ago my videos started to be massively blocked by the Content ID system, which you probably connected your channel to.
Please add my channel youtube.com/user/IDVitya to the Content ID whitelist support.google.com/youtube/ans... to save the videos in Russian. Otherwise, all of your videos with Russian translation will be blocked by the Content ID system and your Russian-speaking audience will no longer be able to enjoy your work.
If you want me to delete or hide any of your old videos, just let me know which ones and I will delete or hide them.

Yours sincerely,