Патч 6.84 Аналитика Со Стреем Dota 2

54 946
18.09.18 – 3901:20:56
[POE] ШАХТЫ 18.09.2018
Опубликовано 29 апреля 2015, 11:12
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AoE Bonus Gold component based on Team Net Worth difference reduced by 25%
AoE Bonus XP component based on Team XP difference reduced by 40%

Melee lane creep bounty reduced from 43 to 40 (-7%)
Range lane creep bounty reduced from 48 to 45 (-6.25%)
Hero kills (the non-net worth portions) are worth 10% more

Reduced the direct hero last hit bounty by 100 and redistributed that gold into AoE gold (in ratio of 100/75/40/25/20 for 1/2/3/4/5 heroes)[?]
AoE Bonus Gold is now distributed based on the relative net worth amongst the heroes involved in killing the hero by +/- 25% [?]
The amount of AoE Bonus Gold given is now increased/decreased by up to 20% based on the dying hero’s relative rank in net worth amongst all the enemies on that team.[?]
Instead of Buyback temporarily preventing unreliable gold gain, it now reduces all gold gained (including hero and aoe gold) by 60% [?]
Melee Barracks team bounty increased from 175 to 275
Ranged Barracks team bounty increased from 100 to 225
Tier 2 and 3 towers armor reduced from 25 to 22

Extra melee creeps additions spawn time changed from 17:30/34:00/50:30 to 15:00/30:00/45:00 [?]
Extra range/siege creep additions spawntime from 45:30 to 45:00
Creeps now meet slightly closer to the Dire safelane

Ancient Black Dragon bounty reduced from 199 to 170
Ancient Black Drake bounty reduced from 50 to 40
Ancient Rumblehide bounty reduced from 83 to 65
Satyr Tormenter gold bounty reduced from 104 to 84
Hellbear health reduced from 950 to 700
Hellbear bounty reduced from 65 to 50
Ogre Frostmage bounty reduced from 52 to 40

Reworked Mud Golems:

Hero kills achieved by units under your control now provide XP credit to your hero (Affects things like Spirit Bear, Golems, Familiars, etc getting kills)

Melee attacks now miss if the target is farther than 350 range more than their attack range

Reduced All Pick drafting time from 40 to 35 seconds per turn

The following abilities no longer ignore units classified as Ancients (Neutral Ancients, Warlock's Golem, etc): Ice Vortex, Mana Void, Berserker's Call, Blood Rite, Bladefury, Omnislash, Torrent, Ghost Ship, Smokescreen, Static Remnant, Primal Roar, Earth Spike, Heartstopper Aura, Shrapnel, Golem's Immolation, Sticky Napalm, Primal Split's Immolation, Call Down, Invoker's Tornado, EMP, Chaos Meteor, Sun Strike, Ice Wall, Deafening Blast, Pulse Nova, Eclipse, Battery Assault, Rocket Flare, Shadow Poison, Dispersion, The Swarm, Kinetic Field, Static Storm, Ancestral Spirit, Echo Stomp, Overwhelming Odds, Stone Gaze, Earth Bind, Poof, Rip Tide, Nyx's Impale, Fire Spirits, Supernova, Mystic Flare, Dark Pact, Suicide Squad, Ravage, Demonic Purge, Fortune's End [?]
Damage Block no longer affects physical spells (previously it affected some physical spells and some not)

Cast behavior while turning to cast has been adjusted.

Reworked the Item Silencing and Passive Disabling behaviors.

Hex no longer applies the Break mechanic [?]
Silence no longer disables Invisibility [?]
Moved Ring of Health, Voidstone and Orb of Venom from Secret Shop to the Base
Moved Platemail, Talisman of Evasion and Ultimate Orb from the Base to the Secret Shop
Added Voidstone and Mantle of Intelligence to Side Shop

Runes now have a higher hit box priority over units

Armor now shows decimal places in the hover tooltip

Fixed buyback respawn timer penalty being reset if you die holding Aegis

The following heroes are no longer restricted from buying Basher/Abyssal (but they are still restricted from activating Bash): Spirit Breaker, Faceless Void, Slardar and Troll