Tetragon — Anti-Accolades Trailer [PEGI]

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Опубликовано 29 сентября 2021, 16:56
It has been a month and a half since the release of non-gravitational adventure Tetragon. The quirky multidimensional journey of the brave lumberjack Lucios across a plethora of vivid square worlds on a quest to find his missing son was given a warm welcome by many puzzle games fans. And yet, the Lucios’ story didn’t touch the hearts of mainstream media, influencers and casual players…

Perhaps the price of victory was too high… That’s why, effective immediately, Tetragon is on sale and now costs half as much on all the platforms! This 50% discount deal ends on October 4th on Steam and Xbox and on October 13th on Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4.

Tetragon on Steam — store.steampowered.com/app/154...