Mentor Call With Vinney Chopra [Successful Apartment Syndicator]

Корифан72.5 тыс
Опубликовано 28 ноября 2016, 23:00
Mentor Call With Vinney Chopra [Apartment Syndicator]
Moneil Investment & Management Group

Успешный Инвестор в Апартменты. "За один день Я поднимаю 5 миллионов долларов когда у меня появляется проект" Винни Чопра.

He has been a Motivation Speaker and a Fundraiser all his life. He became a RE Broker in 2004 in CA. After researching lot of
commercial RE sectors; decided to learn and master the
Multifamily business in great depth. His company spent approx. $165,000 or so to take his team members to all kinds of Boot Camps and Workshops to learn this business from ground zero. He is a Mechanical Engineer and also holds M.B.A. (Marketing) degree from George Washington University.