Сергей Гудин Канада69.1 тыс
Опубликовано 26 ноября 2019, 6:13
Это мое интервью с нашей дочерью Катей, и ее мужем канадцем, которого зовут IVAN. Он был рожден в Канаде. Мы решили спросить его мнение о их поездке в Россию. Что он думает о России как о стране. Что ему там понравилось и что нет. Нравится ли ему русская кухня. Как он общался в России с нашей родней. Что ему не очень понравилось. Его отношение к вождению машин в России.
How did you like your trip to
well being not speaking the language is
a little difficult we've we've gone to
Russia twice now both times were very
different trips but the one thing that
you can see very clearly is the the
difference from when you're in Moscow
yeah and when you get further out from
Moscow how life is very different so
that's a big contrast and there's big
contrast but overall I loved the trip.
let me ask you this being a foreigner
did you feel comfortable did you feel
safe in Russia
I felt I felt safe in in Russia more
so in Moscow then further away from
Moscow at no time was I ever worried or
fearful as as a man I I feel like I can
handle myself as a woman it might have
been a different story but within within
Moscow itself I felt very comfortable
it's all very familiar because it's all
you know it's it's nicer cars it's nice
for roads everything at least during the
day seems very nice and everybody is on
the same level
civilized yeah but the one thing I would
say is that as a foreigner not speaking
Russian regardless of where you are it's
it's hard to get around it's hard to
figure out what to do because it's not
far away from Moscow yeah it's not
tourist Orient it's not tourist friendly
to be there in regards to if I go to a
restaurant and look at the menu
mm-hmm the menus in Russian there's no
English regardless of how nice the
restaurant is at least that's what I
found you know if you go into a store
because you need to buy a pair of shoes
which I had to do because I'd ruined my
shoes if Kate wasn't there
III would literally just pick up the
shoes and put them on the table and then
I'd have to give the guy my wallet to
take out the money
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How did you like your trip to
well being not speaking the language is
a little difficult we've we've gone to
Russia twice now both times were very
different trips but the one thing that
you can see very clearly is the the
difference from when you're in Moscow
yeah and when you get further out from
Moscow how life is very different so
that's a big contrast and there's big
contrast but overall I loved the trip.
let me ask you this being a foreigner
did you feel comfortable did you feel
safe in Russia
I felt I felt safe in in Russia more
so in Moscow then further away from
Moscow at no time was I ever worried or
fearful as as a man I I feel like I can
handle myself as a woman it might have
been a different story but within within
Moscow itself I felt very comfortable
it's all very familiar because it's all
you know it's it's nicer cars it's nice
for roads everything at least during the
day seems very nice and everybody is on
the same level
civilized yeah but the one thing I would
say is that as a foreigner not speaking
Russian regardless of where you are it's
it's hard to get around it's hard to
figure out what to do because it's not
far away from Moscow yeah it's not
tourist Orient it's not tourist friendly
to be there in regards to if I go to a
restaurant and look at the menu
mm-hmm the menus in Russian there's no
English regardless of how nice the
restaurant is at least that's what I
found you know if you go into a store
because you need to buy a pair of shoes
which I had to do because I'd ruined my
shoes if Kate wasn't there
III would literally just pick up the
shoes and put them on the table and then
I'd have to give the guy my wallet to
take out the money
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✅Odnoklassniki - ok.ru/profile/564679138258
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