577. Wings Over Houston Airshow 2016, Ellington Airport, Houston/Фото с аэрошоу в Хьюстоне

1 804
Опубликовано 30 октября 2016, 6:00
The 2016 Wings Over Houston Airshow
U.S. Navy Blue Navy Angels
Фото с аэрошоу в Хьюстоне
The Blues Are Back!
We welcome back the U.S. Navy Blue Angels Flight Demonstration Team flying six F/A-18 Hornets and the C-130 Hercules named Fat Albert. This stunning high-performance demonstration showcases the velocity of the aircraft and precision of the pilots and crew.
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Music by bestmedia.club/members/aglagan...
Pictures by www.facebook.com/GlennEJonesPhotography
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