About a crypto-ban in USA, bitcoin does not care…

Опубликовано 10 мая 2019, 12:42
RUSSIAN VERSION IS HERE: youtu.be/h00j-2QAnzg
1) In the US congress politicians called for a billed to outlaw cryptocurrencies.
2) bitcoin makes new highs
3) Altcoins got some air – when the bleeding will stop?
5$ of BAT tokens to try the Brave browser: brave.com/cry478
100 HXRO tokens airdrop: join.hxro.io/beta?kid=VQ80A
My 1000$ in HXRO tokens giveaway: youtu.be/RWjDcJjUSxg
Twitter: twitter.com/CryptoHamsterIO
Telegram (English): t.me/joinchat/JELIaBTd4mDX95OO...
Telegram (Russian): t.me/joinchat/JELIaBV4CKZKCQTi...
BitMax exchange registration: bitmax.io/#/register?inviteCod...
Binance Exchange registration: binance.com/?ref=15151715 (hamsters’ fund!)
BitTube: bittubeapp.com?ref#!2JSSPOAEO