The Organ Of Riga Dome: Mozart

6 575
24.03.15 – 1 5221:09:38
Full Relax Music
Опубликовано 7 февраля 2015, 13:37

( 00:00 ) WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART - 2nd part from Quintent for clarnet and string orchestra A-Dur, KV 581, arr. by F. Humbert, - O. Thsintish, The Organ Of Riga Dome

LEOPOLD MOZART - Concerto for Franch Horn D-Dur

( 07:06 ) Allegro moderato
( 12:51 ) Andante
( 18:55 ) Allegro

A. Klishans - Franch Horn, O. Thsintish - The Organ Of Riga Dome

WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART (1756-1791) - an Austrian composer, a harpsichordist - virtuoso, an organist, a conductor, a brilliant improviser -the symbol of phenomenal giftedness and fanatical creative force. He is one of the founders of the classical style, he has left significant compositions in all musical genres of that time. The experience of different epochs, schools of music and folk-art traditions is united in his creative work. Striving for reproduction of psychological verity new for those times the inimitably beautiful and gracefuii lissom Mozart's melodies gain particular expressiveness and spirituality. These features are also characteristic for music of the slow part of Clarinet concerto (A-dur) which is to be listened in the arrangement for French horn and organ.
Arvid Klishan's French horn play may especially be characterized by poetic beauty of the sound, artlessness of phrasing and breadth of dynamic amplitude.
Arrangement of orchestra score for organ - just as for L. Mozart's French horn concerto (D-dur) - is carried out by Olgerts Tsintish - an organist and a conductor who was an organist at Riga Dom cathedral for many years, he also was an excellent accompanist imparting a picturesque expression and magnificence to performance.

LEOPOLD MOZART (1719 - 1787), father of W. A. Mozart, was an acknowledged musician of his time - an Austrian composer, a violinist, a theoretician. His pedagogical talent and musical intelligence have essentially influenced the development of his son's creative faculties.
Nowadays L.Mozart's creative heritage is rather little known.
Concerto for French horn D-dur has been based of the traditions of classical concerto genre with the typical contrasting three-part set of the cycle.
Musical attraction of Andante as well intensity and brilliance of expression in side parts are undeniable.

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