Duke & Jones - My Money Don't Jiggle Jiggle ● karaoke | PIANO_KARAOKE ● ᴴᴰ + SHEETS & MIDI

Опубликовано 20 сентября 2022, 8:00
➠Sheets & MIDI: bit.ly/3wMLRf1
➠Original song: youtu.be/X4LtiysMEU0
🎹 Learn how to play piano: tinyurl.com/Mnogo-flowkey
➠Order sheet music or piano karaoke: icepianokaraoke@gmail.com

my money don't jiggle jiggle, it folds
i like to see you wiggle wiggle, for sure
it makes me want to dribble dribble, you know

riding in my fiat
you really have to see it
six feet two in a compact
no slack but luckily the seats go back

i got a knack to relax in my mind
sipping some red red wine

i sip brews from chalices
holding my palaces
grip is so crampy su**ers suffer from paralysis

rhymes i write them in the castle
you try to diss me and pretty soon your a$$,
will squat in a cell cause i can tell you it's illegal

treason that's the reason I'm regal
time for the crime that's less majestic
and f*** the police cus they can't arrest me

(i like to see you wiggle it makes me dribble fancy a fiddle?)

my money don't jiggle jiggle, it folds
i like to see you wiggle wiggle, for sure
it makes me want to dribble dribble, you know

riding in my fiat
you really have to see it
six feet two in a compact
no slack but luckily the seats go back

i got a knack to relax in my mind
sipping some red red wine

Video optimization
my money don't jiggle jiggle it folds karaoke,
my money don't jiggle jiggle it folds piano