how to create a multiboot usb flash drive MADE IN RUSSIA

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PC4USER62.8 тыс
Опубликовано 28 января 2017, 14:11
Новый канал по заработку:
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What in the assembly WinPE 10 Sergei Strelec (x86 / x64) 2016.06.27 Russian version:
Bacup and Restoration
Acronis True Image 2016 19.0 Build 6569 (Rus)
Acronis Universal Restore 11.5.40010 (Rus)
Active Disk Image Professional 7.0.4 (Rus-My Translation)
R-Drive Image 6.0 Build 6015 (Rus)
StorageCraft Recovery Environment (Rus)
Ghost (Eng)
Paragon Hard Disk Manager 15 Premium (Rus)
TeraByte Image for Windows 2.99 (Rus)
AOMEI Backupper 3.2 (Russian version WYLEK)
Zhestkyy drive
Acronis Disk Director 12.0 Build 3270 (Rus)
Paragon Hard Disk Manager 15 Premium (Rus)
MiniTool Partition Wizard Server 9.1 (Russian version WYLEK)
AOMEI Partition Assistant 6.0 (Rus)
HDD Low Level Format Tool 4.40 (Eng)
HD Tune Pro 5.60
Check Disk GUI (Rus)
Victoria 4.47 (Eng)
HDD Regenerator 2011 (Eng)
HDDScan 3.3 (Eng)
Hard Disk Sentinel Pro 4.71.0 Bild 8128 (Rus)
Active KillDisk 10.1.1 (Eng)
Western Digital Data LifeGuard Diagnostics 1.29.0 (Eng)
CrystalDiskInfo 7.0.0
CrystalDiskMark 5.1.2
Other Programs
AIDA64 Extreme 5.70.3800 (Rus)
BlueScreenView 1.52 (Rus)
Active Password Changer (Eng)
Reset Windows Password (Rus)
UltraISO Premium 9.6.5 Build 3237 (Rus)
Registry LoaderPE 1.0.19 (Eng)
Autoruns 12.0 (Rus)
FastStone Capture 7.7 (Rus)
BOOTICE l.3.3 (Eng)
Unlocker 1.9.2 (Rus)
7-ZIP (Rus)
WinNTSetup (Rus)
Check Device (Rus)
Double Driver 4.1.0 (Rus)
GImageX 2.1.1 (Rus)
Opera 34 (Rus)
Opera 12 (Rus)
QtWeb Browser 3.8.5 (build 108)
Download Master
qupzilla 1.8.9
PENetwork 0.58.2 (Rus)
Media Player Classic (Rus)
EasyBCD 2.3 (Rus)
SoftMaker Office (Rus)
MInstAll (Rus)
TeamViewer 6 (Rus)
BurnInTest Professional 8.1 build 1016 (Eng)
PerformanceTest 8.0 Build 1054 (Eng)
USB Safely Remove
Ammyy Admin 3.5 Corporate
Fab's AutoBackup 4 Tech
ATTO Disk Benchmark 2.47
Far Manager 3.0 Build 4505
CPU-Z 1.75
Disk2vhd 2.01
PassMark MonitorTest 3.2 Build 1004
HWiNFO 5.30
Funds with Windows recovery tools DaRT
Restoration of data:
R-Studio 8.0 Build 164486 Network Edition (Rus)
Active File Recovery 15.0.7 (Eng)
Active Partition Recovery 15.0.0 (Eng)
O & O DiskRecovery 9.0 Build 252 Tech Edition (Rus)
MiniTool Power Data Recovery (Russian version WYLEK)
Runtime GetDataBack for NTFS 4.33 (Rus)
Runtime GetDataBack for FAT 4.33 (Rus)
DM Disk Editor and Data Recovery 2.10.0 (Rus)
UFS Explorer Professional Recovery 5.20.0 (Rus)
Hetman Partition Recovery 2.5 (Rus)
EaseUS Data Recovery AdvancedPE 9.5.0
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