Лайк Настя Влог

123 млн
107 млрд
6 Дек 2016
266 дней 0:11
Nastya and Trending dance with TheRockSquad
#shorts #nastya #therocksquad trending dance
20 105 544
13.09.23 0:08
Nastya and her fashionable Dad
Лайк Настя Влог – 13 сентября 2023, 7:00
19 970 944
08.11.23 0:10
19 791 075
19.08.22 20:17
Nastya and the most interesting moments from the summer vacation
Nastya and Dad actively and have fun outdoors, attend children's entertainment, strengthen their health during the summer holidays.
19 713 074
16.09.18 4:17
Настя и папа вырастили денежное дерево и купили игрушки
Настя мечтает об игрушке и случайно находит волшебный горшок в котором выращивает дерево. Инстаграмм Насти instagram.com/like_nastya_vlog
19 705 745
20.07.20 3:47
Nastya buys ice cream and lemonade on the beach
Nastya goes to rest on the beach and buys ice cream and lemonade Subscribe to Like Nastya - is.gd/gdv8uX instagram.com/likenastya Tik Tok - vm.tiktok.com/pY1S2D
19 656 965
04.10.22 4:27
Nastya and Evelyn take care of a teacher
When the teacher got sick and there were no lessons at school, Nastya and Eva decided to take care of the teacher so that he would recover as soon as possible and resume school classes.
19 499 087
328 дней 0:21
19 472 422
11.12.20 4:01
Nastya and an educational story about professions and schooling
An educational video for children talks about how important it is to study and gain knowledge in order to choose a favorite profession.
19 401 334
18.05.18 5:53
Настя и папа играют в прятки в Необычном парке развлечений Nastya and papa playing hide and seek
Настя и папа играют в прятки Необычный парк развлечений c гигантскими жуками и лягушками. Настя ищет папу а потом папа ищет Настю. Кто лучше прятался? пишите! Nastya and papa playing hide and seek
19 379 461
280 дней 0:42
Nastya is in Evelyn’s kitchen
Subscribe to the Evelyn channel youtube.com/@UC023ZMan7EgI-NsaZHzCzkw
19 332 382
25.08.23 0:45
My summer vacation #shorts
Лайк Настя Влог – 25 августа 2023, 8:00
19 252 065
16.07.23 0:14
Nastya dances with Max and Katy
Nastya with mister Max and Miss Katy dance Makeba
19 216 088
26.06.18 2:36
Nastya and her lullaby song
Nastya plays with the baby doll and sings a nursery rhyme to him so that he falls asleep as soon as possible.
19 160 166
05.05.18 6:14
Влог Настя в зоопарке кормит тигров из бутылочки Развлечения для детей Vlog for kids
Влог в парке Настя в зоопарке кормит тигров из бутылочки Развлечения для детей Nastya plays in the zoo and feeds animals Vlog for kids
19 051 396
27.06.18 3:45
Настя и музей игрушек для детей Nastya pretend play at the kid's museum of toy's bears
Настя и музей игрушек для детей с детской площадкой, гигантскими мишками и весёлыми персонажами из мультиков. Nastya pretend play at the kid's museum of toy's bears
18 990 615
13.03.18 6:58
Настя и Детский музей науки в Америке
Настя в музее узнала много новых звуков, познакомилась с физическими процессами и узнала как писать своё имя.
18 984 388
25 дней 29:12
Nastya and the hamster's escape from the cardboard maze.
Nastya had a challenge in the cardboard maze with kids and cute hamster.
18 953 535
09.01.22 2:47
Nastya earned money helping her dad
Nastya wants to buy several things and her dad offers her to earn money. Now Nastya understands where the money comes from and how best to spend it.
18 952 557
23.02.22 5:53
Nastya receives drawing lessons from a famous contemporary artist
Nastya meets Romero Britto, a famous contemporary artist, who will give her some advice on drawing and art.
18 852 576
08.05.22 5:06
Nastya and Evelyn show how to save natural resources
Our planet needs care and conservation of resources. Not everyone knows how to help our planet in this.
18 713 586
04.07.20 4:51
Nastya does a dress up and jumps on a kids trampoline
Nastya does a dress up and jumps on a trampoline for kids. Subscribe to Like Nastya - is.gd/gdv8uX instagram.com/likenastya Tik Tok - vm.tiktok.com/pY1S2D
18 560 992
15.11.23 11:54
Nastya and her First Sleepover with Maggie with hygiene rules
Nastya and Maggie arranged a sleepover. They will explain all the rules of care and hygiene for kids.
18 525 447
16.04.21 4:47
Nastya and Dad - One wonderful family day of fun
Nastya and dad often visit unusual interesting places. This video is one of the wonderful family days of Nastya and dad.
18 374 958
02.09.18 5:12
Настя строит домик для волшебной лошадки
Необычная коробка выпала из самолёта и упала к нам во двор. С этого момента у Насти началисчь приключения. Инстаграмм Насти instagram.com/like_nastya_vlog
18 237 069
278 дней 8:46
Nastya and the fashion show with Rock Squad
Nastya and her friends staged a fashion show. They made the costumes themselves from unnecessary household materials.
18 086 213
11.12.22 5:10
Nastya and the rules of etiquette in communicating with people
Dad teaches Nastya the rules of etiquette. How important it is to say Thank You and Please, as well as to say hello and bye.
18 067 614
29.08.18 4:12
Настя и история про волшебные стрелы / Nastya pretend play with magic toy
Настя нашла брошенный лук со стрелами и решила оставить себе. Как только она выпускает стрелу у папы случаются различные волшебные неприятности.
18 044 971
08.06.22 5:32
Nastya shows the harm of sugar on health
Many people consume a lot of sugar and do not know about its harm. Nastya and dad show the whole truth about sugar and about the beneficial properties of honey, which will replace sugar.
18 021 617
28.09.20 4:15
Nastya is dancing with a new flying doll at home
Nastya got a new amazing toy, but it soon disappeared.
17 921 872
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