A computer- a friend or a foe?
Do you often use computers? What for? Are they: a vital part of your life a necessary tool but nothing more etc. Presenter- Maria
Annoying habits
Smoking Drinking in excess Littering Complaining/whining Cracking knuckles Biting fingernails
Making phone calls
When did you last get cut off during a call? Do you often have to top up your mobile? Have you ever hung up on somebody? Who and why?
If you were an animal, what animal would you be?
Гость разговорного клуба школы английского Skyeng Константин поговорил о животных и их месте в нашей жизни.
Speaking club - Making small talk
Do you enjoy meeting new people or do you prefer to socialize only with people you know? Are you good at making small talk? Let's find that out together!
We are looking forward to New Year
How do New Year's Eve and New Year's Day differ from other holidays? How is New Year's Day celebrated in your country(city)? How do you decorate your house for the celebration?
I don’t like it when I have to take him for a walk in the rain- and I hate it when he jumps all over the sofa with his muddy paws. He barks loudly and wag his tail.
What do you do in your job? (elementary)
1. Tell me about yourself.What are your hobbies? 2. What can you do very well? 3. Do you have special qualifications? How long did you study? 4. What are your future plans? 5. What was your first job?
My travelling preferences (Upper-Int-Advanced)
We're going to talk about our travelling experience, things that we like and dislike while travelling
I don’t like it when I have to take him for a walk in the rain- and I hate it when he jumps all over the sofa with his muddy paws. He barks loudly and wag his tail.
Let's talk about Australia (Intermediate and higher)
Join our Discussion Club on April 2nd, 20:00 MSK.
we will speak about boredom and also will review the rules on Boring Bored difference
There's no place like home
What houses are typical for your city? Do you like the place where you are living? Why or why not? How many different homes have you lived in? Which one did you like the best? Why?
The best city in the world!
Гости разговорного клуба школы английского Skyeng Юлия и Анатолий говорили о Перми и Москве - городах, где они живут.
Land and sea (intermediate and higher)
Join our Discussion Club on August the 20th, 20:00 MSK. Last time Julia ( skyeng.ru/teachers/318) had 3 nice participants, we distinguished the difference between British and American English!
Food around the world (pre-interm-interm)
We're going to speak about food around the world, to share our gourmet experience and to recommend some places worth visiting
Challenging sport
Do you play any sports these days? If not, how do you get exercise? Did you play sports when you were younger? Have you ever wanted to play a sport professionally? If yes, which sport?
Simple Stereotypical World
Let`s travel around the world, laugh and mock, and study English at the same time
Internet safety (pre-interm-interm)
1. How has the Internet changed the world? 2. How much spam do you receive in a week? Have you ever answered a spam e-mail? 3. Have you ever caught a virus over the internet? What happened? 4.
Life changes (elementary)
1. What things do you want to change in your life? 2. What things do you want to keep the same? 3. What do you do to reach your goals? 4. Do you thinks it’s a good things to plan things? Why(not)? 5.
Choosing a book (pre-interm-interm)
1. Do you usually read books for pleasure or information? 2. How do you usually choose what books to read? Are you attracted to a book just by the cover or by the title? 3.
What's the right job for you? (intermediate and higher)
Join our Discussion Club on July the 11th, 20:00 MSK.
English mania (intermediate and higher)
Join our Discussion Club on September 23rd, 20:00 MSK. Last time Julia ( skyeng.ru/teachers/318) had 6 nice participants, we spoke about important decisions people make during their life.