Лада Нива Клуб60.3 тыс
Опубликовано 17 мая 2013, 19:37
Первый фрагмент - за рулем Ю.ЕФИМОВ, во втором фрагменте - Yuzuru SAITOU, manager project promotional office, JATCO Ltd.+короткое интервью с ним на японском языке.
First fragment of video is test-drive to handling of New LADA Kalina equipped with AGB by Jatco. Driver is Y.Yefimov. Second fragment of the video is test-drive too by Y. SAITOU and short interview on Japanese (russian subs).
Автодром КВЦ, г.Тольятти
First fragment of video is test-drive to handling of New LADA Kalina equipped with AGB by Jatco. Driver is Y.Yefimov. Second fragment of the video is test-drive too by Y. SAITOU and short interview on Japanese (russian subs).
Автодром КВЦ, г.Тольятти
Свежие видео