Plenary session 'Health care system reforms: problems and results'

Опубликовано 22 апреля 2016, 9:42
Plenary session 'Health care system reforms: problems and results'

L. Jakobson – First Vice Rector, HSE

S. Shishkin - Director, Centre for Health Policy, HSE

V. Nazarov – Director, Financial Research Institute, Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation
Y. Krestinsky - Director of the Institute of PublicHealthcare Development
А. Serebryany - Director of Legal and Financial Affairs at Moskvorechie Сlinic, Сhairman of the medical services branch at Russian-wide public organization "Delovaya Rossiya"
E. Nikonov – Director of Case and Activity Management Office of the Moscow Healthcare Department
V. Flek – Assistant to Minister of Healthcare of the Russian Federation
S. Orlov – Advisor at the Office for Strategic Development and Territorial Planning of the Department of Monitoring, Analysis and Strategic Development of Healthcare of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation