Halo Beyoncé - перевод песни. Песни на английском – Halo| Марина Русакова

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Опубликовано 15 февраля 2016, 11:40
Beyoncé - Halo

Remember those walls I built
Well Baby they are turning down
And they didn't even put up a fight
They didn't even make a sound
I found a way to let you in
But I never really had a doubt
Standing in the light of your halo
I got my angel now

It's like I've been awaken
Every rule I had to break
It's the risk that I'm taking
I ain't never gonna shut you out

Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace
You're everything I need and more
It's written all over your face
Baby I can feel your halo
Pray won't fade away

I can do your halo
I can see your halo
I can be your halo
I can see your halo

Hit me like a ray of sun
Burning through my darkness night
You're the only one that I want
You got addicted to your lie
I swore I'd never fall again
But this don't even feel like falling
Gravity camed again
To pull me back to the ground again

It's like I've been awaken
Every rule I had to break
It's the risk that I'm taking
I'm never gonna shut you out

Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace
You're everything I need and more
It's written all over your face
Baby I can feel your halo
Pray won't fade away

I can do your halo
I can see your halo
I can be your halo
I can see your halo

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