Studying chromatin 3D structure in eukaryotes | Biata 2017 | Ekaterina Khrameeva

Опубликовано 15 августа 2017, 11:43
Recent advances enabled by the Hi-C technique had unraveled many principles of chromosomal folding that have been subsequently linked to disease and gene regulation. In particular, Hi-C revealed that chromosomes of mammals and fruit flies are organized into Topologically Associating Domains (TADs), evolutionarily conserved compact chromatin domains that influence gene expression. However, we still know remarkably little about the mechanism of TAD formation and chromatin organization in general. In my talk, I will address several questions: (i) the effect of lamin depletion, followed by chromatin detachment from nuclear lamina, on fine chromatin architecture in Drosophila melanogaster; (ii) the hypothesis that the mechanism of TAD self-assembly is based on the ability of nucleosomes from inactive chromatin to aggregate, and lack of this ability in acetylated nucleosomal arrays; (iii) the principles of chromosomal folding in a popular model organism, soil-living amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum.

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