How old is your body?

Skyeng2.01 млн
Опубликовано 27 ноября 2014, 18:10
Join our Discussion Club on November 27th, 20:00 MSK. Last time Julia ( had 3 nice participants, they discussed the most well-paid jobs in Russia. Also they dreamed of having a chance to do any job just for one day and the results were amazing.This time we will speak about our body and the way we care about it. Julia  will encourage you to calculate your body age. Be ready for surprising results!

Skyeng Club is a wonderful opportunity to practise your speaking skills for free without leaving the comfort of your home. Have a look at one of our previous meetings:

Like, share this event and, first and foremost, join us on Thursday!=)

PS: The meeting will be a Google Hangout event, you need to install a separate application for your browser beforehand (check out this page for Google Chrome application:

PPS: Feel free to ask any questions right here, we will gladly answer them!