Queer As Folk Season 1 (2000) Official Trailer | SHOWTIME

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SHOWTIME1.22 млн
Опубликовано 10 июня 2014, 20:40
Take a nostalgic look back the groundbreaking original American version of Queer As Folk, which premiered in December 2000.

#SHOWTIME #queerasfolk #lgbtq

Brash humor and genuine emotion make up this original series revolving around the lives, loves, ambitions, careers and friendships of a group of gay men and women living on Liberty Avenue in Pittsburgh, PA. The show offers an unapologetic look at modern, urban gay and lesbian lives while addressing the most critical health and political issues affecting the community. Sometimes racy, sometimes sensitive and always straight to the heart, Queer as Folk is groundbreaking television at its best.

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Queer As Folk is a series about the lives of a group of gay men and lesbians living in Pittsburgh. Focusing on their relationships, their careers, their loves and ambitions, the series is a brave, realistic, funny and sometimes graphic portrayal of a world we had never seen before on U.S. television. Entering the world of Brian, Michael, Justin, Emmett, and Ted and the lesbian couple, Lindsay and Melanie, we discover characters as real as the people next door, doing everyday jobs, raising a child, looking forward to the weekend -- and all with a strong and healthy interest in sex and romance.
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