Star Wars Alternate Timeline: What If Order 66 Failed?

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Star Wars as we know took place because of the execution of Order Sixty-Six. Once activated, the very soldiers deemed to protect the Jedi and fight for the Republic turned on their allies bringing the fall of The Jedi Order. Due to Mace Windu’s arrogance and failure to stop Lord Sidious, the dark Emperor was able to shift the Republic into his vision -- The Galactic Empire. Until Luke Skywalker and a new hope was given to the galaxy, Emperor Palpatine ruled with a Tyrannical fist next to his apprentice Darth Vader, formally Anakin Skywalker.

Looking back, Jedi had plenty of opportunity to change their fate. Clone Trooper Fives learned the truth of the Inhibitor chip long before the end of The Clone Wars. The Jedi learned of the Sith’s hand is the creation of the Storm Troopers. If only they acted, and weren’t so blind to the dark side being right under their nose, Order Sixty-Six could have been avoided all together -- and what if it was? What if the Jedi were able to stop the order? How would this moment shift the galaxy? In today’s CBR video we are going to figure out just that because the Jedi have one last hope -- Ahsoka Tano who learned Anakin was the key to the Sith’s plot from Darth Maul, and felt his very turn to the dark side before Order Sixty-Six was executed. Ahsoka Tano, you may not be a Jedi anymore but you are about to save everyone. Or are you?

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Written by: Yasin Muhammad
Narrated by: Justin Freitas
Edited by: Travis G.

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