Black Widow: What Really Happened In Budapest

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Опубликовано 24 ноября 2020, 14:45
Black Widow: The Truth About Budapest


There are a lot of big mysteries in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Was Captain America in the main timeline or a secondary timeline when he went to go get his kiss with Peggy? Whatever happened to The Leader? What is a Man Thing? No one mystery has managed to capture our attention as much as a pair of throwaway lines in the first and last Avengers movies. At some point before the Avengers, Natasha Romanoff aka the Black Widow and Clint Barton aka Hawkeye did something in Budapest that, before they fought aliens with a billionaire in a power suit, an unfrozen super soldier, a rage monster, and a Norse god. While there is some disagreement in how alike those situations were, there’s one thing that we can be certain about. We totally want to know what happened in Budapest! Once the Black Widow movie finally hits theatres we will finally get a solo look at the Black Widow and, more importantly, we’ll finally get an answer to the question “So what exactly did happen in Budapest?” While the line might seem like a throwaway, we do have enough clues to hint at what might have happened in that time before the Black Widow was S.H.I.E.L.D., when she was a graduate of the Red Room and General Dreykov’s favorite pupil, and how that might relate to to the time that she met another super spy with a good heart who gave her a chance for redemption. Let’s take a look at what probably happened in Budapest.

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Written by: Ryan Carbrey
Narrated by: Michael Neeb
Edited by: Travis G.

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