Everything You Need to Know About Boba Fett's RETURN

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Опубликовано 3 ноября 2020, 16:07
What Nobody Realized About The New Boba Fett

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The Mandalorian is back and it didn’t waste any time bringing in new surprises. The show shocked us all by revealing that Boba Fett survived his trip to the Sarlacc pit only to lose his armor to Jawas, Cobb Vanth and then finally Din Djarin, the titular Mandalorian of the series. This brings into light a whole lot of questions the series will have to answer before season 2 is done.

For starters we’ll have a brief refresher course and what exactly Boba Fett’s life has been. We’ll go through his early days as the cloned son of Jango Fett, him learning to be a bounty hunter in The Clone Wars all the way up to his apparent demise in Return of the Jedi.

Then we’ll analyze his reappearance in The Mandalorian. From the look of the tattered robes he’s wearing and the tusken weapons on his back, it can be assumed that Fett has seen better days. We’ll speculate on what those rough days have been like. Then we’ll look ahead and try to figure out what will happen when Fett inevitably crosses paths with Din Djarin. Will the two be friends who go on a mission of Mandalorian redemption together? Or will they be enemies who have conflicting views on what it means to truly be Mandalorian? Which way is THE way?

So let’s dive right in! Here’s everything you need to know about Boba Fett in The Mandalorian season 2!

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Written by: Jordan Phillips
Narrated by: Justin Freitas
Edited by: Ben B

For copyright matters please contact us at: legal@valnetinc.com
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