The New Power Rangers Will Be the Strongest Yet

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84 дня – 9033:43
Doctor Doom 's Secret.
Опубликовано 27 октября 2020, 13:45
The New Power Rangers Series is Everything We NEED

Artwork by @davidfernandezart

In this superhero-obsessed world we live in, it’s totally shocking to us that the Power Rangers aren’t a bigger deal. The franchise started in the 90s and is a staple in children’s television still to this day, but the primary-colored superhero team hasn’t been as successful in crossing over to the film side of things. They attempted a grittier reboot of the franchise in 2017, but after that movie underperformed both critically and commercially, a major overhaul took place. Now the brand is back and more ambitious than ever!

First it was announced that Hasbro had bought the rights to the Power Rangers with the idea to develop the brand across all mediums. Then, Jonathan Entwistle was announced as a director for a new Power Rangers reboot that would see a time travel plot with teenagers traveling back to the 1990’s. But news has recently broke that the plans for the Power Rangers are much bigger than we anticipated, with Hasbro announcing that Entwistle is now responsible for shepherding an entire Power Rangers cinematic universe that includes new movies and television shows.

That’s a huge deal for the Power Rangers! But how is this exactly going to work? Is the team we see on the big screen going to carry over to television? Or will there be a main movie team of Power Rangers, with television shows dedicated to other Ranger teams? Tune it to find out what we think is the best way for the Power Rangers to build this new cinematic universe and what steps need to be taken in order to make this a success. Everyone loves the Power Rangers in all their fancy suit-wearing, martial arts-mastery, giant robot-loving action, so it’s about time they were done justice on the big screen!

After you’re done, tell us in the comments how you want to see the Power Rangers rebooted and be sure to hit that big like and subscribe button for more awesome Power Rangers content like this. Thanks for watching CBR! Let’s get started!

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Written by: Jacoby Bancroft
Narrated by: Jacoby Bancroft
Edited by: Ben B

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