Killer Cosplays That Need To Make a Comeback

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Опубликовано 6 октября 2020, 13:45
We Miss Cosplay

Cosplay by @marjoanofarc_

2020 has been a year where we all need conventions and cosplay more than we ever have before! Has there ever been a year that’s made the entire world want to hang out with their favorite pop culture characters in an environment full of happiness and childlike wonder? Well, unfortunately 2020 is also the year where we get no conventions at all.

So we decided to throw one of our own! Well, an imaginary one that is! Join us at CBR Con where we’ll go through all the coolest events! We’ll take you through everything from the vendor hall, to special celebrity panels, a screening of your most anticipated DC four part director’s cut movie and even through a zombie crawl! We might not be able to throw you a real convention but we’ll take you through every event so that it hopefully feels a little bit like you’ve been to one!

Most importantly though, we’ll focus on the BEST part about any convention, all the awesome cosplayers! Sit back and watch as we simulate the fun of walking through a convention where surprises and breathtaking costumes are around every corner!

Then, we’ll look at the future of cosplay and conventions to see what they’ll be like when we’re all FINALLY done with this Game of Thrones season 8 of a year!

So join us at CBR Con and we’ll make up for the fact that we all miss the wonderful cosplay we took for granted!

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Our Website

Written by: Jordan Phillips
Narrated by: Michael Neeb
Edited by: Matthew Weinstein

For copyright matters please contact us at:
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