Comic Book Resources4.17 млн
Опубликовано 1 августа 2020, 14:27
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Assassin’s Creed Origins changed the entire franchise and Odyssey improved on it in almost every way, which means there’s a lot of pressure on AC Valhalla to top them all and we think it can. It’s going to be available on next gen consoles, so it could take advantage of all the new tech to give us the perfect Assassin’s Creed experience we’ve all been waiting for.
While a lot of fans like the lack of AC lore in the most recent games, we’d love for some of it to at least be mentioned in Valhalla. Ubisoft can’t just turn their back on 13 years of work now, could they? We’d also love to be able to do battle with Norse Gods anywhere on the huge open world map that’s supposed to be even bigger than Odyssey’s. Speaking of the map, a livelier world in Valhalla with a more focused story could make it the best game yet, especially if it stays historically accurate and Ubisoft removes the annoying level gating problem. If Valhalla could improve on the already excellent combat system and cultist system, we may have one of the best games of the year on our hands.
There’s more to how Valhalla could surpass Odyssey than just that, so let us know which game you think is going to be better and why in the comments section below and don’t forget to subscribe to CBR for more gaming content.
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Written by: Justin Pietrodarchi
Narrated by: Justin Freitas
Edited by: Kyle West
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Assassin’s Creed Origins changed the entire franchise and Odyssey improved on it in almost every way, which means there’s a lot of pressure on AC Valhalla to top them all and we think it can. It’s going to be available on next gen consoles, so it could take advantage of all the new tech to give us the perfect Assassin’s Creed experience we’ve all been waiting for.
While a lot of fans like the lack of AC lore in the most recent games, we’d love for some of it to at least be mentioned in Valhalla. Ubisoft can’t just turn their back on 13 years of work now, could they? We’d also love to be able to do battle with Norse Gods anywhere on the huge open world map that’s supposed to be even bigger than Odyssey’s. Speaking of the map, a livelier world in Valhalla with a more focused story could make it the best game yet, especially if it stays historically accurate and Ubisoft removes the annoying level gating problem. If Valhalla could improve on the already excellent combat system and cultist system, we may have one of the best games of the year on our hands.
There’s more to how Valhalla could surpass Odyssey than just that, so let us know which game you think is going to be better and why in the comments section below and don’t forget to subscribe to CBR for more gaming content.
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Written by: Justin Pietrodarchi
Narrated by: Justin Freitas
Edited by: Kyle West
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