Stan Lee Was Meant To Be Steve Rogers This Whole Time

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Опубликовано 5 августа 2019, 19:45
What if Old Steve Rogers in Avengers Endgame Had Turned Out to be Stan Lee The Marvel Legend?

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Part of the fun of watching a Marvel movie dating all the way back to The Trial of the Incredible Hulk was to look for the inevitable Stan Lee cameo. Stan Lee became synonymous with Marvel Comics when he guided the company from the romance and horror anthologies of Timely Comics to the Silver Age superhero legend that is Marvel Comics. With Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko, Stan Lee created some of the most enduring and iconic superhero characters in the world. Those comics have become the basis for the most profitable film franchises ever. There have been a lot of fan theories about Stan Lee’s cameos in the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies, some more reasonable than others. While some of these theories can be proven not to be true, they still would give an interesting spin on how we look at the movies that make up the Infinity Saga. One theory from Reddit adds not only a deeper meaning to the Stan Lee cameos but also to the first Avenger Steve Rogers, Captain America. What if during Avengers: Endgame when Steve Rogers came back as an old man that was meant to be the Stan Lee cameo, meaning that Stan Lee had been playing Steve Rogers the entire time. From giving Iron Man Tony Stark a hard time to meeting Captain Marvel as the artist behind his own character to attracting the attention of the Watchers in Guardians of the Galaxy the Stan Lee cameo would take on a whole new life. While the realities of the filming schedule means that this theory isn’t true, it’s still fun to think of the possible ramifications. Let’s see what those might be.


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