What Nobody Realized About EDITH In Spider-Man Far From Home

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Agatha vs Wonder Woman: Rivalry
Опубликовано 7 июля 2019, 13:40
The Truth About EDITH From Marvel Spiderman Far From Home

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Pretty much everyone in the world was sad to say goodbye to Tony Stark at the end of Avengers: Endgame. We knew the Marvel Cinematic Universe would never be the same, but we have to admit we didn’t know the full extent of the impact his life and decisions would have on those left behind. He left his protege Peter Parker a pair of snazzy new sunglasses that, we have to admit, did look way better on Quentin Beck. These glasses were more than a mere fashion accessory and contained a powerful artificial intelligence known as E.D.I.T.H. Although this gift might have seemed like a sweet way to pass the torch, it was really indicative of a serious problem Iron Man had throughout his time in the MCU.

We know E.D.I.T.H. is one of Tony’s famous acronyms and, hey, at least it’s a better one than B.A.R.F., but the name has a surprising connection to his father, Howard Stark, that you might not know about. Was Aunt May right to be suspicious about the long term effects of her nephew’s “internship?”

We all know Peter’s life got turned upside down at the end of Spider-Man: Far From Home, so how do you think this is going to impact the kind of hero he turns out to be? Make sure you take some time to share your thoughts with us in the comments section and then click on the subscribe button for all of the latest videos from us here at CBR.


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