8 MCU Post-Credits Scenes That Changed Everything And 4 We Didn’t Need

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Опубликовано 14 января 2019, 21:00
MCU Post Credit Scenes that Moved Us Forward and Some That Spun Our Wheels

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Post credits scenes have been used for a lot of things over the years. They’ve acted as a postscript to the film letting the audience know what became of the characters after the cameras turned off or to enforce a central message of a film. Sometimes, they’re just a comedic tag, a kind of easter egg for those who sat all the way through the credits like in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. For the MCU, the post credits scene has become a staple, a way to link the various films together in the ever growing shared universe. Not all post credits scenes are created equal, however. While some have provided tantalizing teases to adventures to come, some have left us scratching our head wondering why we waited so long. Here are some that were great and a few that we didn’t really need.


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