James Rhodes May Be From Wakanda (Marvel Theory)

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Опубликовано 27 ноября 2018, 21:00
Marvel Theory: Iron-Man's bff James Rhodes is actually a spy from Wakanda.
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It’s no secret that Colonel James Rhodes, better known as Rhodey, is far from the most remarkable hero in the MCU. More often than not, he’s depicted as a companion to Tony Stark and serves as a foil for his oversized ego, but if you pay close enough attention, some of the things Rhodey does are just plain strange. Is it possible that there is more to this character that meets the eye? During Avengers: Infinity War, we saw him travel to Wakanda and his behavior seemed a bit off. What if James Rhodes is actually Wakandan? We’ll explain why it seems as though this theory could make sense and point out some things you may have missed in past Marvel movies.

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