Comic Book Resources4.17 млн
Опубликовано 20 июля 2018, 17:00
Just in time for Comic Con SD 2018, everything you need to know about the upcoming Aquaman movie!
Seems like any and every Superhero nowadays is getting their own solo movie, but hey, we’re far from complaining! The latest superhero movie we’re gearing up for is Aquaman! DC has been teasing us about the Aquaman movie for the at last 4 years, basically ever since DC dropped the bomb on us all with a photo leak of Jason Momoa starring as the Aquaman character himself! We’ve all loved this native Hawaiian dearly ever since he graced the screens of HBO playing Khal Drogo in Game of Thrones. Just a simple google search will show that most of the internet is LIVING for the fact that Jason Momoa will become part of the DC movie franchise. And we can’t blame them. We saw his performance in Game of Thrones, so we know he will rock the Aquaman role just as well, if not better than Khal Drogo. So this begs the question, what can we expect from Jason Momoa and DC in the Aquaman movie?
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Seems like any and every Superhero nowadays is getting their own solo movie, but hey, we’re far from complaining! The latest superhero movie we’re gearing up for is Aquaman! DC has been teasing us about the Aquaman movie for the at last 4 years, basically ever since DC dropped the bomb on us all with a photo leak of Jason Momoa starring as the Aquaman character himself! We’ve all loved this native Hawaiian dearly ever since he graced the screens of HBO playing Khal Drogo in Game of Thrones. Just a simple google search will show that most of the internet is LIVING for the fact that Jason Momoa will become part of the DC movie franchise. And we can’t blame them. We saw his performance in Game of Thrones, so we know he will rock the Aquaman role just as well, if not better than Khal Drogo. So this begs the question, what can we expect from Jason Momoa and DC in the Aquaman movie?
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