10 Popular Movie Characters We Still Know Nothing About

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Опубликовано 4 сентября 2017, 14:00
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10 Popular Movie Characters We Still Know Nothing About!
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There’s so many films coming out that we’re exciting for that we could probably make a video that lasts over an hour. But there are a bunch of characters we’re already familiar with, either based on preexisting material, brand recognition or previous entries that have us particularly hyped for a film. One such example is Rey from Star Wars, who will be returning to the big screen in 2017 with the release of The Last Jedi. Just who is she, why is she important? We have no idea. We’re also left in the dark when it comes to such characters as Johnny Depp’s Grindelwald from Fantastic Beasts. We know he’s a bad dude, but why is he the way he is? We want answers. Hope from Ant Man was going to take on the mantle of the Wasp in the MCU but has since remained in the shadows. Another MCU character that we know little about is the Grandmaster from Thor: Ragnarok, who we haven’t met but thanks to trailers and internet hype, are eagerly waiting to learn more. There are other films coming out that have characters we havent met but are part of pre-existing material, such as Jake Pentecost from Pacific Rim: Uprising and Office K from Blade Runner 2047, played by John Boyega and Ryan Gosling respectively. Of all the members of the Justice League, we know the least about Cyborg and his recent reshoots will mean that the impression we got from him in trailers may in fact be different in the final cut.

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