Kyoshi Will Be The Next Avatar Series

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Опубликовано 27 марта 2021, 13:45

Avatar Studios is officially open for business! And no, this is not just the cactus juice causing hallucinations again. I really mean. Avatar Studios is actually a thing. The original show’s creators Michael DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko will run the studio as co-chief creative officers and be responsible for producing new Avatar series, movies and comics.

So now of course the speculation is what will be the next Avatar series? The Last Airbender is one of the greatest series of all time, while Legend of Korra is different, but still grew to be an excellent follow up series. So what could possibly follow both of those shows? Well how about a trip to the past? The new Avatar show should follow the adventures of Kyoshi, the fan-favorite character (pun intended) who had a truly incredible and long life. Like seriously long. Did you know that Kyoshi lived to be 230 years old? And that she was also seven feet tall? That’s true! Anyways a Kyoshi series would be amazing. You could either explore the parts of her life we already know thanks to the Kyoshi novels, or you could carve out a new story from a section of her life that we don’t know. Which option sounds better? Well join Jacoby and Nick as they discuss all the best parts of Kyoshi while debating the merits of an Avatar Kyoshi series.

So check it out, and be sure to leave a big like and subscribe once you’re done! And leave a comment or else Kyoshi will consider you an enemy and trust me, you don’t want that! Let’s get into another episode of CBR Saga, CBR’s one and only podcast right now!


0:00 Kyoshi’s Past is Incredible
11:24 The Untold Kyoshi Story

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Host: Jacoby Bancroft
Co-Host: Nick Twohig
Editor: Dr. Teuts

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