Comic Book Resources4.17 млн
Опубликовано 21 апреля 2021, 13:45
Ever since the young Bucky fell from the train in the 1940s Captain America comic books, Steve Rogers didn’t really do sidekicks. Especially of the young ward variety. That doesn’t mean that he operates alone as a lone wolf of course. Instead, he forms partnerships with colleagues who become his family in that way that people who serve do. In the modern era that partner has most often been Sam Wilson, The Falcon. Not a super soldier or a man from the past, Sam’s edge in a fight comes from a wingsuit, but it’s Wilson’s character that interests Rogers more than anything else. That’s one of the main reasons when it came time for either comic book or Marvel Cinematic Universe Cap to pass on the shield his first choice was the man who helped him adjust to the modern world. When you’re the moral center of someone like Steve Rogers, you know you’re something special. So if Sam is moving into the role of Captain America, who takes up the role of Falcon? Enter Joaquin Torres, who just got a pair of broken wings in the fifth episode of Falcon and the Winter Soldier. What can the comics teach us about Torres’ plans for those wings? And just how did Redwing become a vampire? That’s right, Redwing is kind of a vampire. There’s a lot to unpack in the MCU’s newest superhero, let’s get into who exactly is Joaquin Torres and what his future might be.
00:00 Intro
00:38 Joaquin Torres, More than the Man in the Chair
02:27 Joaquin Torres, More than a Science Experiment
04:03 Joaquin Torres, More than a new set of Wings
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Written by: Ryan Carbrey
Narrated by: Jacoby Bancroft
Edited by: Matthew W.
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Ever since the young Bucky fell from the train in the 1940s Captain America comic books, Steve Rogers didn’t really do sidekicks. Especially of the young ward variety. That doesn’t mean that he operates alone as a lone wolf of course. Instead, he forms partnerships with colleagues who become his family in that way that people who serve do. In the modern era that partner has most often been Sam Wilson, The Falcon. Not a super soldier or a man from the past, Sam’s edge in a fight comes from a wingsuit, but it’s Wilson’s character that interests Rogers more than anything else. That’s one of the main reasons when it came time for either comic book or Marvel Cinematic Universe Cap to pass on the shield his first choice was the man who helped him adjust to the modern world. When you’re the moral center of someone like Steve Rogers, you know you’re something special. So if Sam is moving into the role of Captain America, who takes up the role of Falcon? Enter Joaquin Torres, who just got a pair of broken wings in the fifth episode of Falcon and the Winter Soldier. What can the comics teach us about Torres’ plans for those wings? And just how did Redwing become a vampire? That’s right, Redwing is kind of a vampire. There’s a lot to unpack in the MCU’s newest superhero, let’s get into who exactly is Joaquin Torres and what his future might be.
00:00 Intro
00:38 Joaquin Torres, More than the Man in the Chair
02:27 Joaquin Torres, More than a Science Experiment
04:03 Joaquin Torres, More than a new set of Wings
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Written by: Ryan Carbrey
Narrated by: Jacoby Bancroft
Edited by: Matthew W.
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