Captains We Want In Falcon And Winter Soldier

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Опубликовано 22 апреля 2021, 17:11

In a lot of people’s eyes, there will only ever be one Captain America. Steve Rogers is the epitome of what a true hero looks like. Sure everyone talks about how Robert Downey Jr. is perfect for Iron Man, but can we take a minute to appreciate how great Chris Evans is as Captain America? The man deserves more recognition! And just like we also said goodbye to Iron Man in Avengers: Endgame, we also had a proper sendoff for Steve Rogers, as he decided to go back in time to be with his true love Peggy Carter. But that doesn’t mean the Captain America mantle retired with him.

In fact, that’s kind of the whole point of the Falcon and the Winter Soldier. In the show, we’ve seen Sam struggle with taking the shield while someone else steps up to take Steve’s place. And it’s pretty safe to say that John Walker was a pretty big failure no? But were there other Captain Americas that could’ve stepped up instead? The show sorta teased us with the idea of other Captain Americas like with Isaiah Bradley, but what are some others? Obviously besides Bucky Barnes, can you imagine what it would’ve been like if Peggy Carter was Captain America? Or The Punisher’s Frank Castle? Or even your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man? Man so many options!

So take a look at today’s video which talks about all the Captain Americas we would’ve liked to see in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Be sure to leave a comment and hit that big like and subscribe button after you’re done. Thanks for watching CBR! Let’s get started.

00:00 Intro
00:46 Sam Wilson
01:55 Bucky Barnes
03:13 Peggy Carter
04:15 Spider-Man
05:19 Isaiah Bradley
06:28 Shaon Rogers
07:14 Frank Castle
08:02 Jeffrey Mace
08:42 William Burnside
09:35 Roscoe Simons
10:20 Samantha Wilson
10:57 Danielle Cage

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Written by: Jacoby Bancroft
Narrated by: Anthony Watkins
Edited by: Umair G.

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