Iron Man’s Falcon and Winter Soldier Reference

45 819
100 дней – 6 5488:02
The MCU Ends.
103 дня – 3 4452:52
Agatha Is Iron Man.
Опубликовано 23 апреля 2021, 13:45

The first character from the Marvel mutant side of the universe has made it to the Marvel Cinematic Universe and it’s a big one. Physically that is. The city state of Madripoor is best known as the drinking hole for Logan, The Wolverine, whenever he needs to take a break from all the happy coupling Scott Summers and Jean Grey get up to. The former pirate haven has become, well, a modern pirate haven with its no extraditions and most often being ruled by various crime bosses and warlords. When something super shady has to happen, chances are it’s happening in Madripoor. Ninja clans face off to determine who is the best ninja clan, weapons of unimaginable destruction and power are traded, people who want to get in on that crazy personal experiments on the chance that they’ll end up with super powers in the end. Baron Zemo leads Bucky and Sam Wilson into Marvel’s home of scum and villainy in their search for the new super soldier serum that has some echoes from a time in the comics when Steve Rogers and Tony Stark made a visit of their own. While not really related, there are some things we can learn about the role of the Madripoor in the future. Where can we expect to see the city of sin to appear again and what can these adventures take us? Let’s dive into the two stories for what we can learn in today’s CBR video extravaganza! Thanks for watching! Oh and don’t forget to like and subscribe!

00:00 Intro
00:42 Sam, Bucky, and Zemo in Lowtown
02:52 Iron Man Meets Batroc the Leaper
04:23 The future of Madripoor

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Written by: Ryan Carbrey
Narrated by: Darren W.
Edited by: Pedro F.

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