Black Widow: Origins Of The Russian Assassin

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Опубликовано 26 мая 2021, 16:45

Black Widow has been a fan-favorite character ever since she first did her signature spinning leg flip down that hallway in Iron Man 2 while Happy Hogan looked on in awe. From there, Natasha Romanoff has had one of the best character trajectories in the MCU. Well okay, maybe that’s not true. Her final trajectory went a little more south than I’m sure we ultimately wanted, but her life leading up to that fateful trip to Vormir was pretty incredible.

Just look at how she started. She was taken at a young age and trained to be a deadly Russian assassin. She basically spent her childhood in the infamous Red Room. which is somewhere you don’t want to grow up. She continued on in life, putting a lot of red in her ledger until eventually Hawkeye convinced her to switch sides. From there, she joined the Avengers and although she struggled a bit to find her place on the team, she eventually grew into one of their most vital members.

But what about her life do you need to know? Well that’s what we’re here today to talk about. Join us as we dive into Black Widow’s origins and elaborate on everything that makes her such a great character. After you’re done, be sure to hit that big like and subscribe button and maybe you can undo Black Widow’s death! Hey you never know right? Thank you so much for watching CBR! Let’s get started right now!

00:00 Intro
00:37 The Young Black Widow
04:14 A Hero’s Calling
10:26 Black Widow’s Legacy

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Written by: Jacoby Bancroft
Narrated by: Adam Martignetti
Edited by: Umair G.

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