10 Marvel Gods & Monsters More Powerful Than Thor

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Опубликовано 30 июля 2021, 15:15
The MCU features some truly insane characters and concepts, many of whom are your average superheroes. But there’s a much larger world beyond the main timeline of Earth-616, and it’s full of gods. As a god and a superhero, God of Lightning is consistently one of the most powerful members of the Avengers, and at one point or another, he’s beaten every monster possible, overcoming every challenge. But there are some things that even The Hammer-Thrower can’t beat, and that’s other gods. The more the MCU expands on its different universes and mythologies, the more Thunderboy starts to pale in comparison to all the crazy, huge gods of the comics that sometimes go beyond all explanation. This video will take a look at some of the gods that are even more powerful than the Hammer Thrower, and in some cases, how he was defeated. No franchise is off limits here; we’re looking at all gods in all timelines if God of Lightening knew them personally or not. With Loki recently ended, and Love and Thunder on its way, there’s no better time to remember just how many trials are only beginning for the son of Odin.

What MCU gods do you think are the most powerful? Who do you think can beat God of Thunder in a fight? Were there any gods we missed? Let us know in the comments and remember to share and subscribe for more of the latest Comic Book content on CBR! Thanks for watching! So what are we waiting for, let’s get started!

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00:00 Intro
00:36 Loki
01:15 Hela
02:02 Thanos
02:54 Galactus
03:35 Amatsu-Mikaboshi
04:25 Beyonders
05:06 New Thunder God
05:50 Alioth
06:32 Surtur
07:12 One-Above-All

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Written by: Victoria Berndt
Narrated by: Adam Martignetti
Edited by: César Ulises Rosas Gallegos

For copyright matters please contact us at: legal@valnetinc.com
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