Eternals Cosmic Powers Can Overtake These Avengers

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Опубликовано 24 октября 2021, 12:45

Ever since Nick Fury started with an idea the Earth has found some mighty protectors, going from no powers to gods, powerful witches, supreme sorcerers, conduits for cosmic power, and even a Norse god. But the entire time...and by ‘entire time’ we mean ‘all of human existence’ there’s been a team of godlike beings just taking a pass at Earth threatening events like Casey at the Bat waiting for the perfect pitch. While they insist that their creators permitted them only to interfere when their other creation threatened Earth in the universe’s worst case of ‘mom liked you best,’ this effectively immortal beings of unimaginable power have played fast and loose with that directive, giving humanity a nudge here and there and more than likely stepping up in ways that don’t strictly follow those rules. So how do Earth’s two teams of megapowers stack up? Comic book convention insists that even if the heroes will eventually team up, when they meet they must fight. But the question remains, who would come out on top? The ancient beings created out of cosmic energies would in a terribly one sided conflict, they’re all essentially Superman with extras. Even in a case of ‘same vs same’ the match ups would be swiftly decided. Lets see how some of these match ups would play out. Which match up would you like to see most played out in the MCU? Let us know in the comments and be sure to like and subscribe for the latest videos in your inbox.

00:00 Intro
00:35 Starfox vs Scarlet Witch
02:14 Makkari vs Everyone
03:26 Thena vs Captain Marvel
04:39 Sersi vs Vision
05:54 Kingo vs Shang Chi
06:48 Ikarus Draws the Hulk
08:08 Blade vs Vampiro
08:48 Zuras vs Captain Marvel
09:58 Phastos vs Tony Stark
10:30 Kronos out Stranges Doctor Strange
11:07 Khoryphos vs Ant Man
11:45 Oceanus vs Namor
12:27 Virako vs Thor
13:07 Gilgamesh vs Captain America
14:03 Uni-mind vs Everyone

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Written by: Ryan Carbrey
Narrated by: Justin Freitas @JustinFreitasVO
Edited by: Milos L.

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