Marvel: The Strongest Metals Ranked

317 529
8 дней – 2 63115:14
What's Next for the Red Hulk?
Опубликовано 11 ноября 2021, 14:15

You won’t get that far trying to look intimidating with little more than a regular old steel sword or heavy duty armor in a world inhabited by superheroes, Humans, mutants, inhumans, aliens, sorcerers and gods, and especially not over at Marvel, where more than half a century’s worth of creative writer shave busted their humps coming up with all kinds of otherworldly metal to explain away the various imaginary properties of their characters’ equipment.

Any Marvel fan out there will be happy to jump at the opportunity to inform you that Wolverine’s claws are made of Adamantium, or that Wakanda’s weaponry is made of Vibranium, but these two famous metals are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to all the strange metals floating around in the Marvel Universe, all of which power anything from intergalactic spaceships to godly weapons made for bashing bad guy heads.

Had you for instance heard of the gravity-bending Gravitonium, the odd Mysterium that can only be farmed from an alternate dimension through the combined effort of six powerful teleporters, or of the Anti-metal resources hiding in the Savage Lands in antarctica that can instantly melt any other metal that gets a bit too close to it? Or what about that time a swordsmith made swords out of peoples’ very souls?

We’ve dug up a whole 18 incredible metals from every corner of the vast comic empire just to find out just how much is really out there… and just how deep in trouble we are if anything like this should ever show up in the real world.

00:00 - Intro
00:45 - Epidurium
01:31 - Cogmium
02:16 - Organic Steel
02:52 - Galactic Glaze
03:36 - Carbonadium
04:37 - Vibranium
05:12 - Nanominium
06:02 - Adamantium
06:58 - Anti-metal
07:41 - Muramasas Soul-Infused Metal
08:32 - Adamantine
09:07 - Mysterium
09:55 - Phlogistone
10:44 - Uru
11:31 - Cavorite
12:12 - Promethium
12:55 - Gravitonium
13:40 - Proto-Adamantium

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Written by: Bjarke “Esh” Johansen
Narrated by: Bjarke “Esh” Johansen
Edited by: Bjarke “Esh” Johansen

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