Most Powerful MCU Characters Ranked

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Опубликовано 31 декабря 2021, 13:45
Whether you’re a hero or a villain in the MCU, it seems like everyone wants more power for different reasons. If you’re a villain, you seek power to either destroy your enemies, wipe out the universe and remake it in your own image, or just feed your ego. If you’re a hero, you generally seek power in order to fix problems or save the day. At least, that’s how it should be. WIth everyone usually after some version of power, the question becomes, just who is the most powerful character in the MCU? That’s a tricky one to answer, especially since power is such a relative term. Is the most powerful character the one who can punch things the hardest? Or is it the one who can think his way out of any problem? Now that’s a tough dilemma.

Today’s video is all about the most powerful characters in the MCU and I’ll attempt to rank them from least powerful to most powerful. Now, I understand a list like this is subjective and there’s a lot of entries and placement you’ll probably agree with, and some you’ll disagree with. That’s the way it always goes right? Like I think Scarlet Witch is one of the most powerful beings in the entire universe, but is she better at magic than Doctor Strange? I think Ant-Man actually is underrated in terms of power, but will you agree with where I placed him? Although Vision should be near the top of the list, his showings in the MCU have been a bit lackluster and that’s hurt him in the standings don’t you think? All of this will be discussed in the video today!

So check it out and be sure to hit that big like and subscribe button after you’re done, it really helps us out. And then of course, leave a comment telling us your rankings! I’m sure everyone has something different. Thanks for watching CBR! Let’s get started.


00:00 Intro
00:39 Spider-Man
01:43 Vision
02:54 The Eternals
04:09 Iron Man
05:04 Loki
06:09 Captain Marvel
07:13 Ant-Man
08:10 Thor
09:14 Doctor Strange
10:20 Ultron
11:16 Hulk
12:14 Thanos
13:02 Scarlet Witch
14:04 Celestials
14:34 Dormammu

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Written by: Jacoby Bancroft
Narrated by: Jacoby Bancroft
Edited by: Ben Bromley

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