10 Weak Villains That Became Way More Dangerous

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Опубликовано 14 марта 2022, 12:45
As you all know, Superheroes aren’t much fun if they don’t get equally colorful baddies to butt heads with. In turn, always fighting the same few villains gets boring after a while, and thus, comic book writers are absolutely constantly creating new nefarious ne’er-do-wells for our costumed crime fighters to duke it out with. Some of these characters have, over time, become pop cultural icons on par with their assigned hero, in some cases becoming even more popular, and while others may be second stringers they nonetheless become a mainstay of their adversary’s rogues’ galleries. Others still are certainly dangerous, but only show up every now and then.

And then there are the truly lame ones.

Whether it be a stupid name, a dumb costume, a useless superpower or just a really bad track record in terms of supervillainy, not all villains aspire to greatness. Some end up making such a bad show that, over time, they come to be considered complete jokes within the superhuman communities, that no hero would be caught dead having to fight and no villain want to associate with.

You’d think all hope would be lost for these poor souls… but comic book writers have a way of picking up discarded characters and trying something new with them.

With a power boost here, a traumatic event there and a new, stronger motivation sprinkled on top of the reinvention sundae, some of these lame villains and up making something much more of themselves, with at least one story that shows how dangerous they could truly be - of they had greater luck when it comes to landing a writer who cares to try.

Some of these upgrades stick, others do not… but all the same, here’s a little list of moments where some of comic books’ total loser villains got a moment to really show off their stuff.

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00:37 - The Purple Man
01:41 - Hammerhead
02:35 - Black Hand
03:34 - The Spot
04:45 - Killer Moth
05:34 - Catman
06:21 - The Orb
07:20 - Blockbuster
08:19 - Living Laser
09:06 - Doc Seismic

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Written by: Bjarke “Esh” Johansen @esh_ficaddict
Narrated by: Bjarke “Esh” Johansen @esh_ficaddict
Edited by: Bjarke “Esh” Johansen @esh_ficaddict

For copyright matters please contact us at: legal@valnetinc.com
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