MCU Phase 5 Can Introduce 10 Villains Stronger Than Thanos

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11.04.22 – 65 1280:36
Venom Once Wielded Mjolnir
Опубликовано 11 апреля 2022, 12:45
We’re right in the middle of Phase 4 of the MCU right now and we’re just starting to dive into all the multiverse shenanigans that will probably dominate the franchise for the next few years. And yes while the multiverse is a huge deal and we’re just starting to get into Kang-mania, I can’t help but look forward to what comes after Phase 4. We live in an era of speculation and relentless theories about what the future holds that it sometimes takes away from what’s happening right now, but it’s still fun to talk about! Which is why this video is all about the next big bad who will rock the MCU to its very core in Phase 5.

So if we think Kang will be the main villain of Phase 4 right now, then the question becomes what does the phase after hold? That’s what this list will discuss today! And yes, I’m leaving off some big villains like Galactus and Doctor Doom who will most likely show up in Phase 4 at some point. If I was a betting man, I’d put money on a big X-Men villain being the big bad of Phase 5. It would provide the perfect bridge to unite the Avengers and the X-Men, but just what would that look like? Could we get a redo of the villain Apocalypse? I could see that making sense. Apocalypse does have close ties to Kang the Conqueror so maybe that would be a natural bridge. Or would another X-Men villain like Onslaught make sense? And if we set aside X-Men villains, could other long-awaited villains show up? Like Mephisto or Morlun? There’s a lot of options!

So join me today as I break down all these different villain options and what Phase 5 will look like! After you’re done, be sure to hit that big like and subscribe button for more awesome MCU content like this. And leave a comment to or else we’ll never see Galactus in the MCU! Don’t want that right? Better not risk it! Thanks for watching CBR! Let’s get started.


00:00 Intro
00:31 Phase 4 Villains
02:28 Apocalypse
04:39 Annihilus
05:59 Beyonder
07:25 Onslaught
09:01 Korvac
09:51 Mephisto
10:59 Morlun
12:00 Phoenix Force
13:00 New Thanos
14:19 Molecule Man

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Written by: Jacoby Bancroft
Narrated by: Jacoby Bancroft
Edited by: Ben Bromley

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