The Boys: 15 Things They Changed From The Comics

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40 дней – 2 1723:26
Hulk Becomes Thor: This is INSANE!
Опубликовано 10 июля 2022, 12:45
The Boys. Did you know in the comics they were called The Men? Kidding, but while the themes and motives do stay true to the source material, there are a number of things about the show that are vastly different. Character backstories are changed completely. Certain events that transpire in the show did not go down the same way on the page. And just wait until you hear about Love Sausage. With any page to screen adaptation certain liberties have to be taken, and boy were they. Let’s check out all of the wacky wild and sometimes disturbing changes that The Boys Amazon series made from the comics right now.

The Boys series is chock full of supes, and more and more seem to be popping up every episode. There are cameos and full appearances of people who come directly from the comic page. However, as shows do some liberties have been taken, and several characters have appeared who you will not find in the pages of The Boys. The Boys series has gender swapped several characters such as Stormfront and Vic the Veep, but there has perhaps been no greater impact from a gender swapped character than Madelyn Stillwell a high ranking Vought executive who oversees the Seven, and in the comics is better known as James Stillwell. Overall the spirit of the comics are brought to screen very well, but what do you think is the biggest change the show has made from the source material? Be sure to like, subscribe and comment your answer, and never trust a supe!



0:00 Intro
0:30 -Stormfront
1:48 Black Noir
3:09 Vic the Veep
4:03 New Supes
5:15 Flight 37
6:23 Stillwell
7:13 A-Train and Popclaw
8:23 The Deep
9:16 Becca Butcher
10:04 The Female
10:57 Love Sausage
11:35 Payback
12:15 Temp V
13:02 Soldier Boy
13:57 Ryan

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Written by: Nick Twohig
Narrated by: Nick Twohig
Edited by: MA

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