15 Most Powerful She-Hulk Villains Ranked

19 016
25.07.22 – 37 65216:03
The Best MCU Phase 4 Suits Ranked
Опубликовано 24 июля 2022, 12:45
But isn’t She-Hulk just a lady Hulk?

Well, she is that - but during her long career in comics, she has become so much more, yet never enjoyed the same amount of limelight as her muscle-mountainous cousin. But that’s about to change with the upcoming Disney+ Series that will see Jennifer Walters kicking superhuman heinies in the courtroom AND in the streets!

It is, of course, easy to assume that a character who simply has a “She” attached to the front of another character's name is going to fight nothing other than a few female knockoffs of the other guy’s villains, or simply play substitute hero whenever the main guy isn’t around. And it would be a lie to say that that doesn’t happen now and then.

But through various incarnations, some of them priding themselves on obliterating the fourth wall and breathing some much needed levity into Marvel Comics, She-Hulk has had many identities and faced many enemies.

Some of these baddies are absolutely hilariously outmatched against the Jade Giantess, some are completely bonkers from their premises alone, some are genuine blasts from the company’s past, and others still are quite serious threats introduced during some of the company’s most famous stories that redefined not just the Marvel universe, but even the industry and its many crossover events as a whole.

So, make sure to eat your greens and lean back to go through the wild, the weird, the wrasslin’ and the wonderful enemies of Jennifer Walters, She-Hulk - Attorney at Law!

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0:00 Intro
0:39 Nicholas Trask
1:36 The Grappler
2:50 Robert “Bob” Doom
3:50 Clockwise
5:01 Ultima
6:02 The Living Eraser
6:54 The American Purity Foundation
8:25 Ruby Thursday
9:22 Adrenazon
10:24 Spragg the Living Hill
11:37 Behemoth
13:09 Volcana
14:15 Titania

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Written by: Bjarke “Esh” Johansen @esh_ficaddict
Narrated by: Bjarke “Esh” Johansen @esh_ficaddict
Edited by: Bjarke “Esh” Johansen @esh_ficaddict

For copyright matters please contact us at: legal@valnetinc.com
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