15 MCU Characters Who Could Defeat Gorr The God Butcher

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The newest entry into the MCU is here, and of course we have to speculate who else could have slapped the main villain around if they weren’t elsewhere in the universe. Gorr the God Butcher with the power of the Necrosword proved himself to be an intimidating and extremely powerful villain. He was able to take on Thor, Jane Foster, and Valkyrie all at once, and walk away with Stormbreaker as a prize. In the end he was basically defeated but crawled his way to Eternity, and though Gorr appeared to have taken down some worthy gods off screen, we have to imagine that other characters we have met in the MCU would have been able to take the god butcher down just as easily. Who are these characters of which we speak? Let’s take a look right now.

It’s safe to say that one of the most powerful magic users in the MCU, who just so happened to put the entire multiverse at risk could take down the God Butcher. One of the newest heroes in the MCU is one of a kind, given that there’s no other one like her in any universe. It’s safe to say the ruler of the Dark Dimension would be just fine going up against a guy who uses the shadows as a weapon. Gorr proved himself to be one incredible villain in Thor Love and Thunder. At the end of the day it was the power of love that took him down, but I think any number of characters could have done the job. Which MCU characters do you think could defeat the God Butcher? Be sure to like, subscribe, and comment your answer. If not I can’t promise Gorr won’t be coming for you next.

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0:00 Intro
0:44 Scarlet Witch
1:29 Thanos
2:14 Infinity Ultron
3:04 Odin
3:51 America Chavez
4:34 Zeus
5:19 The Watcher
5:55 Captain Marvel
6:33 Kurse
7:19 Dormammu
7:59 Dark Strange
8:44 Black Bolt
9:28 Ikaris
10:14 Ms. Marvel
10:52 Moon Knight

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Written by: Nick Twohig
Narrated by: Nick Twohig
Edited by: Taysum Nakaev

For copyright matters please contact us at: legal@valnetinc.com
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