15 Most Powerful Versions Of Ant-Man Ranked

24 045
40 дней – 4 3733:30
The New MCU Leader: Scarlet Witch
Опубликовано 13 октября 2022, 12:45
There is far more to the MCUs tiniest hero than you could ever ant-icipate!
I know, that is a terrible pun, but that seems pretty in-like with the sense of humor a lot of these guys have.

As much as people like to make fun of Hank Pym and Scott Lang for their seemingly silly size changing abilities, the fact of the matter is that for almost as long as there have been Avengers, there has been some variation of Ant-Man around in Marvel - whether it’s super scientist Hank Pym, former thief Scott Lang or even the irredeemable Eric O’ Grady, it just isn’t the Marvel Universe without a sizeshifter running around somewhere talking to ants or growing tall enough to knock over skyscrapers.

However, it definitely doesn’t stop with just these three.

Like any superhero worth their salt, Ant-Man has seen a number of variations over the decades - from legacy characters to family members to evil doubles or alternate universe equivalents. And all of them have their own spins on their base premise to put to the table. A new personality to go with the powers, specific ways they work or entirely different challenges they face, Ant-Man is truly a hero with whom one size fits all.

So bring out your favorite snacks, shrink down to a size where they will last you a good long while and get comfortable as we journey through the many Marvel Universes and take a look at the many Ant-Men that inhabit it… and how they all differ from one another

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00:00 Intro
00:31 Scott Lang
01:32 Stature
02:32 Ultimate Ant-Man
03:42 Tony Stark
04:50 Dwight Barrett
05:38 Fire Ant
06:40 Pincer
07:34 Eric O’Grady
08:40 Mitchell Carson
09:41 Black Ant
10:35 Monolith
11:46 Zombie Ant-Man
12:44 Werewolf Ant-Man
13:42 Little Monster
14:45 Ultron Fusion

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Written by: Bjarke “Esh” Johansen @esh_ficaddict
Narrated by: Bjarke “Esh” Johansen @esh_ficaddict
Edited by: Bjarke “Esh” Johansen @esh_ficaddict

For copyright matters please contact us at: legal@valnetinc.com
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