10 Best Anime Where the Main Character is the Villain

7 435
37 дней – 6 3403:22
The Next Wolverine.
Опубликовано 16 апреля 2024, 19:00
Prepare to dive into the depths of darkness as we explore the intriguing world of anime where the lines between hero and villain blur. In this captivating video, CBR counts down the top 10 anime series where the main character embraces their inner villain, defying conventions and captivating audiences with their morally ambiguous journey. From anti-heroes to outright antagonists, these protagonists shatter the traditional archetype of the noble hero, offering a fresh perspective on the age-old battle between good and evil. Our list includes anime such as Attack on Titan, Code Geass, Death Note and much more! Get ready to root for the bad guys as we delve into their complex motivations, twisted ambitions, and captivating character arcs. We'll journey through a diverse range of anime genres, from action-packed epics to psychological thrillers and everything in between. Whether you're a fan of intense battles, intricate plot twists, or morally grey storytelling, there's something here for everyone to sink their teeth into. But beware, for in the world of these anime, not everything is as it seems. Prepare to question your own notions of right and wrong, heroism and villainy. Which of these Anime is YOUR Favorite? Be sure to let us know in the comments below!

Link to the original article - cbr.com/best-anime-main-charac...

#deathnote #codegeass #attackontitan #anime #hellsingultimate #elfenlied

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